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The question you are struggling to find an answer for is ‘what is holding you back?’ The answer is actually pretty simple. Nothing. Nothing is actually holding you back but yourself, and whatever you have decided to claim as a ‘weakness’ (yes, you ultimately choose your own strength and weaknesses, regardless of your true natural abilities are). You can turn the tables on your own fate by simply deciding to turn your weaknesses into new strengths.

THIS WEEK’S TIP: The solution is as easy as it sounds. It’s just a matter of sound execution, and enough believe in one’s self that proves you can withstand the true test of resolve and willpower. If you are a procrastinator, decide to become an expert in time management. Messy desk? Take some classes with a professional organizer. Do not hesitate or try to find an excuse. Turn as many weaknesses as you can into new skills & strengths.

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