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Monthly Archives: September 2009

Today’s Quote: “The people I distrust most are those who want to improve our lives but have only one course of action.” – Frank Herbert

Today’s Question: Do you apply a universal solution to everything?

My Thoughts: Clichés become what they are because they tend to ring true more often that we want to believe, such as ‘If you’re a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.’ When you only have a limited set of actions you allow yourself to take in situations, you can only come up with a limited set of outcomes, and can never be assured that you have the right path to an actual solution.

Today’s Quote: “It’s a sad day when you find out that it’s not accident or time or fortune, but just yourself that kept things from you.” – Lillian Hellman

Today’s Question: How would things be different if you were to get out of your own way?

My Thoughts: When it comes to reaching your goals, are you your own greatest obstacle? Do you find yourself tripping on your own feet every time you find yourself just steps away from reaching the finish line? Often we find that despite the enemies we do have, we do the best job of destroying ourselves in our course of actions. We all have our reasons for self-sabotage. None of them are valid.

The question you are struggling to find an answer for is ‘what is holding you back?’ The answer is actually pretty simple. Nothing. Nothing is actually holding you back but yourself, and whatever you have decided to claim as a ‘weakness’ (yes, you ultimately choose your own strength and weaknesses, regardless of your true natural abilities are). You can turn the tables on your own fate by simply deciding to turn your weaknesses into new strengths.

THIS WEEK’S TIP: The solution is as easy as it sounds. It’s just a matter of sound execution, and enough believe in one’s self that proves you can withstand the true test of resolve and willpower. If you are a procrastinator, decide to become an expert in time management. Messy desk? Take some classes with a professional organizer. Do not hesitate or try to find an excuse. Turn as many weaknesses as you can into new skills & strengths.

Today’s Quote: “As long as you’re going to be thinking anyway, think big.” – Donald Trump

Today’s Question: If you’re going to do it anyway, why not live it up?

My Thoughts: As long as you’re going to work, work with a level of passion and pride. As long as you’re going to stay married to your spouse, show them all the love and support you can possibly muster. As long as you’re going to raise your children, raise them to be strong with healthy pride in themselves. As long as you’re going to do what it takes to take care of yourself, find focus on what is best for you that doesn’t impose on other, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. As long as you’re still alive, live a bold life.

Today’s Quote: “USA Today has come out with a new survey – apparently, three out of every four people make up 75% of the population.” – David Letterman

Today’s Question: Are you ignoring the obvious?

My Thoughts: Many people go through life in a daze, living in a quasi-state of confusion and lack of common sense. And many of those people live this way on purpose, preferring to ignore the obvious issues of life than to live within the real world and have to deal with real world problems. There are legitimate reasons to want to bury your head in the sand…for a little while. But facing the real world daily is a way to prove you are actually living.

Today’s Quote: “You can’t do anything about the length of your life, but you can do something about its width and depth.” – Evan Esar (1899 – 1995)

Today’s Question: What gives your life meaning?

My Thoughts: Without some reason for being, no matter how obsessive, the act of being can be come old pretty quick. It’s because of activities to do and the motivation to keep doing them that so many active people are able to live to very old ages. It’s the sudden lack of activities and sense of importance that so many older workers die within a few years of reaching retirement. Without a purpose, there is little reason for getting up in the morning, let alone putting forth the effort to live a prosperous and hopefully long life. Why motivations do you use to give your life meaning?

Today’s Quote: “Success is not to be pursued; it is to be attracted by the person you become.” – Jim Rohn

Today’s Question: What are you attracting?

My Thoughts: It’s hard to come up with original question on a daily basis and not turn into babbling cliché, and today I’m not even going to even pretend my question isn’t cheesy. People are magnets that attract like objects. The thoughts and emotions you carry in your mind set you up for your personal level of attraction to people and situation in the same mindset. A little more simply put, negative people will likely pull in more negative people and problems, positive people will likely pull in more positive people and situations. You can easily tune your magnet by changing the focus of your thoughts. If you want more positive things in your life, simply think more positive thoughts, and the energy will catch up to you. Give yourself a little time to examine your thoughts and see just what type of energy you are projecting, and take a look at what attractions are being made.

Today’s Quote: “Laughter and tears are both responses to frustration and exhaustion. I myself prefer to laugh, since there is less cleaning up to do afterward.” – Kurt Vonnegut

Today’s Question: How do you handle frustration?

My Thoughts: I have to be honest with you. I haven’t been exactly thrilled with all of my Quote & Question submissions over the last week. They have been sub-par, some even disappointing. The reason is I have been extremely tired from a long work schedule. It’s not an excuse, but it’s the reason. I have been frustrated by this. The choice was to not post for a week, or post whatever my tired brain could muster. Neither was a great choice, but not putting out my best work is always a struggle for me mentally. I work through the frustration by knowing better days are ahead, and that I will have time to do the best work I know that I am capable of. How do you work through your frustrations?

Today’s Quote: “Every day holds the possibility of a miracle.” – Elizabeth David

Today’s Question: Are you ready for your miracle?

My Thoughts: Miracles happen every day. Your very existence, your birth, is a miracle in itself, just like you getting through the last 24 hours and getting a chance at another 24. So your next miracle could just be a moment away. Are you ready for it?

Today’s Quote: “I really do believe I can accomplish a great deal with a big grin, I know some people find that disconcerting, but that doesn’t matter.” – Beverly Sills

Today’s Question: How would you rate your smile?

My Thoughts: The power of something as small and simple as a smile is incredible. Now would you rate yours?