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Monthly Archives: July 2009

Today’s Quote: “I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally.” – W. C. Fields

Today’s Question: Do you have enough hate in your life?

My Thoughts: I have very serious discussions with friends about my own need to hate. I have found that when I have a target to focus complete disgust toward, I can feel better about everything and everyone else in the same category as my target hate. You may not want to believe it, but a little bit of focused hate can be good for you too. This in not bias or blind rage, but a true refusal to accept something or someone that is truly bad for you or willfully refuses to fall in line with your personal standards.

Today’s Quote: “You’re never a loser until you quit trying.” – Mike Ditka

Today’s Question: At what point do you decide it’s not worth the effort to fight anymore?

My Thoughts: Whenever you find yourself in the face of conflict, unless you are totally sold on the idea that you are by all means correct, there will come a point when the idea of just giving up and walking away will come into your head. Do you have a common trigger for that? What makes you decide that it is truly time to give up the fight? And conversely, what could convince you that the fight is actually worth the effort?

Today’s Quote: “Win as if you were used to it, lose as if you enjoyed it for a change” – Golnik Eric

Today’s Question: Are you as respectful in winning as in losing?

My Thoughts: Sore winners and losers alike will easily ruin a competition, especially a competition that only exists in the mind of the sore winner and loser. One of the simple keys to getting through life with few scars (physical and emotional) is to make a solid attempt to be gracious, even in the hands of defeat, and especially from the risers of victory.

Today’s Quote: “Respect a man, he will do the more.” – James Howell

Today’s Question: Are you waiting to get respect before you give it in return?

My Thoughts: There is an overused saying that you have to give respect to get respect. I think it’s overused because you will usually hear those words coming out of the mouth of someone wanting you to earn their respect before they consider respecting you. The words are intended to operate as an olive branch, with the person saying them giving the proper respect first, and the receiver left with no choice but reciprocation. That is normally not the case. Why don’t you try giving out a little more respect first, instead of waiting to be respected–or worse, offended–to act?

Today’s Quote: “The game of life is the game of boomerangs. Our thoughts, deeds and words return to us sooner or later, with astounding accuracy.” – Florence Shinn

Today’s Question: Would you like to receive back the same thoughts and emotions you send out to the world?

My Thoughts: Whenever the right moments hit me, I like to do fun and silly things that have no apparent reason. The actual reason is to spread a little bit of positive energy when I have a little bit to spare in hopes that when I’m later low on positive energy, some with be sent my way. I am very careful at the times when I allow myself to just be dark and brooding, because I know that attitude can be passed on to those nearby and eventually back to me, which is not the way to get out of the funk I was already in. Do you send out positive or negative energy most of the time? Would you like to get the same energy you send out back in return?


If something is important to you, you will find a way to make time for it. Because of my love of media and hopes to grow in my career, I managed to find the time to work and extra 3-6 hours Monday through Friday working in radio, which is on top of my 8 hours a day working in television and my 8 hours on Sunday with radio. I even found a way to reschedule my workload so that I would have every evening to spend with my wife, plus all day Saturday. What got shoved to the bottom of the pile and back of my mind were the things that I ‘said’ were important: personal development training, journaling, my web media business, and sleep. Well, I never though sleep was important, but I’m finding that was a flawed idea on my part . . .

THIS WEEK’S TIP: This week I am taking the extra effort to take my own advice. WE all need to sit down and figure out what is really important, and make the time necessary to get it done. I’ve already sacrificed sleep to work more hours and still have a quality family life. Now I have to carve out a few minutes here and there to get the business back in form, because I miss doing these emails. Since I insist the side business is important, I have to find the time to make it work. You also must find a way to make the precious minutes or hours needed to do what you claim is important to you.

Today’s Quote: “The second I stop laughing I know I’m beaten, and that’s not about to happen.” – Steve Errey

Today’s Question: Have you ever stared down defeat?

My Thoughts: I found the quote above while scanning through some blogs and instantly had the write up this post. We have all had occasions where we have had to stare directing into the face of our own defeats. But were you brave enough or stubborn enough to attempt to stare your defeat down? Did it work for you?

Today’s Quote: “Insanity is often the logic of an accurate mind overtaxed.” – Oliver Wendell Holmes (1809 – 1894)

Today’s Question: Do you need to take a break?

My Thoughts: Have you been working yourself a little harder than normal? Are you feeling the early effects of fatigue, or worse, its full effects? Or do you feel like you probably should be tired? Not only can you gauge you level of accomplishment by your level of fatigue, and can keep tabs on your personal energy, knowing when you truly need to take a break.

Today’s Quote: “If our house be on fire, without inquiring whether it was fired from within or without, we must try to extinguish it.” – Thomas Jefferson

Today’s Question: Do you get so caught up in details that you can never properly act?

My Thoughts: Details are always important, but are they so important that you miss the point of what you are doing?

Today’s Quote: “If you don’t make mistakes, you’re not working on hard enough problems. And that’s a big mistake.” – Frank Wilczek

Today’s Question: Are you making enough mistakes?

My Thoughts: For some people, their reason for a lack of success it truly because they are not failing enough to get there. They are not putting their neck out to take chances, to make mistakes and learn from them. Even in the agony of defeat, the lessons learned can often prove more valuable that a marginal win. Are your allowing yourself to make as many mistake as necessary, without totally ruining your endeavors? Are you learning from those mistakes?