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Today’s Quote: “Success is not to be pursued; it is to be attracted by the person you become.” – Jim Rohn

Today’s Question: What are you attracting?

My Thoughts: It’s hard to come up with original question on a daily basis and not turn into babbling cliché, and today I’m not even going to even pretend my question isn’t cheesy. People are magnets that attract like objects. The thoughts and emotions you carry in your mind set you up for your personal level of attraction to people and situation in the same mindset. A little more simply put, negative people will likely pull in more negative people and problems, positive people will likely pull in more positive people and situations. You can easily tune your magnet by changing the focus of your thoughts. If you want more positive things in your life, simply think more positive thoughts, and the energy will catch up to you. Give yourself a little time to examine your thoughts and see just what type of energy you are projecting, and take a look at what attractions are being made.

One Comment

  1. I would like to think that I am attracting positive people, by expressing my own positive attitude

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